Promise Land LLC
Dedicated to Quality!
Please Email For Questions

Registry Name:
Skylar of Promise Land CGC, CGCA, CGCU
Call Name:
AKC: SR76972107
DOB: April 04, 2013
Skylar is still alive and going strong 2024.
11 Years OLD
Heart: Normal
Eye: Normal
Hips: PennHip - 915742
L.31 / R.26
Elbows: Normal
Patellas: Normal
Thyroid: Normal
Dentation: Full
Prcd-PRA: Clear
Pra1: Clear
Pra2: Carrier
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa: Clear
Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy: Clear
COI 10 Generation: 3.46%
COI 12 Generation: 7.11%
Ichthyosis: Clear
Weight: 60 lbs Height: 21 inches
DNA: V718564
Chic Qualified: 116224
Skylar's keen intelligence combined with her natural agility ability makes her a wonder to see. She has a gentle personality which makes her a wonderful babysit to the younger dogs. If they jump she just takes there collar and makes them sit. She is truly a help with the young puppies. She has a regal bearing and a patient attitude.
Skylar is from a moderate energy line. She is a moderate size female with a lighter frame. Her coat is almost white. Her puppies makes outstanding show dogs and agility dogs with her beautiful conformation and rear end performance.
We hope you understand that not all our dogs will be on site all the time to meet.

Father: The Young Champion of Russia Brend Goda Iz Stolitsy Urala (2/17/2010-) 4xJr CAC, CGC, CGCA, CGCU - Therapy Dog- Retired
Mother: Kassie of Promise Land (5/21/2009-) CGC, CGCA, CGCU - Therapy Dog- Retired
Daughter: Violet of Promise Land (4/9/2016-) CGC, CGCA, CGCU-Therpay Dog-Bred by: Lori Froderman- Retired
Daughter: ButterCup of Promise Land (12/18/2016-)-Breeder: Lori Froderman-Retired with Guardian
Promise Land Star Attraction bred by Lori Froderman with Guardian
Skylar's pedigree:
Father Side:
Grandfather - INT/RUSCH, JCHRUS, 4xCHNKP, CHRKF All My Dream in Famous Family (3/29/2008-)
Great Grandfather - 2009 & 2011 World Champion, Dewmist Silk Screen, BIS Junior, CACIB, BOB, BIS, ITA Club winner, BOD
Mother Side:
Great Grandfather - JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch SK Gryffindor Junior the Best Baron "U" Jr Club Winner, Club Winner, National Winner (1/22/2004-) 3CAJC, 15CAC, CACIB, BOB, 2res.CACIB, 10res.CAC

ButterCup of
Promise Land
Call Name: Clover

Puppies from Skylars Previous Litters